On this latest trip, I saw six states, two countries, and one U.S. district, but I only took a total of 3 flights from start to finish. As you can probably imagine, there was a good amount of driving involved. And one of the interesting things that happen when you spend that much time in a car is that music quickly comes to play a role in the trip. I mean, you can be the best of friends, but it is very, very hard to keep a conversation going for that long. So, inevitably, someone turns on a radio or music player, and suddenly you're discovering all of these little quirks. For example, you might discover that your travel companion likes country music more than you do. I generally don't dislike any genre of music outright, but I wouldn't call myself a fan of country music by any means. There are a few songs here and there that make an appearance on my iPod, but that's about it. Also, there was plenty of music that I just flat out didn't recognize. I'm hardly a c...