Do you remember how I switched to a new dentist and ended up liking the place? Well, I still like the place, but after my last visit, I may have to watch myself just a tad. They've got jokes there. It all started with a routine check up. Luckily, my teeth are fine and I don't have any cavities. In fact, I have "nothing on the watch list." I happen to know that that's a good thing, because I specifically asked what that meant (I got curious). Both the dental hygienist and the dentist both reassured me that this was a good thing, so I figure I'm good. They did, however, laugh at my curiosity just a tad. A little while later, the dental hygienist told me that I had to change the way that I brushed my teeth. My usual way looked like it might cause damage to my gums, so she started quizzing me about my technique. I've pretty much been brushing my teeth the same way since I was kid: making circles around my teeth and gums. Her response was the beginning of ...