Every now and again, I volunteer some of my time to help teach people trying to get back into the workforce. It all started on a whim, really. I got an email through work asking if I could help with a math class. I remember thinking, "well, hell, I like math. Sure, why not?"And so, I agreed to help teach a business math course that helped people understand the type of math that they'd need in an office setting. As it turns out, I found the whole thing pretty rewarding, so I kept at it. Eventually, I also agreed to teach a few other classes, including one about effective use of email. The way I see it, anyone can send email, so the more people that are sending concise emails that communicate clearly, the better the world will be. It's like my own little way of balancing out all the email spam out in the wild. Besides, I might end up working with some of these folks some day, so it'll be better for my inbox that way. Chris Rock did this bit about wanting his niec...