As the Mild Fiancée likes to remind me, I am a rule follower. Sure, there are minor deviations here and there, like jaywalking. But for the most part, I read instructions, follow directions, and color within the lines. It's served me well enough all these years, so it's just how I roll. The Mild Fiancée, however, is not as rigid about the rule following. In fact, that's why it came up in the first place: I expressed some concern about not following the rules exactly, and she proclaimed, in semi-exasperation, that I was a such a rule follower. I don't even remember what the discussion was at that point, but I do remember the subsequent commentary. It had that distinct ring of truth to it, and I could only nod along. One of the places where this starts to show itself is when we cook. We like to try new recipes (like that healthy mac n cheese recipe from a while back), so that means we're often reading ingredient lists or watching some YouTube video for what to ...