Every now and then, the Mild Wife and I will comment how some people just ... act funky. Whether it's because they were never taught any better, they simply don't care, or circumstances in life have forced them to operate at a different level, they just do things that the rest of us don't consider acceptable. The simple, short-hand description that we use for someone like this is " hoodrat ." Now, you don't have to actually live in the 'hood to act like a hoodrat. There are rich people that have no manners and have no class. Basically, we've found that the term is still relevant even if we don't live in a super rough part of town. As a case in point, I will point to a recent Costco trip. The Mild Wife went this time around, and she remarked that she will never again go on that particular weekday at that particular time of day. It was a madhouse. There were tons of people there, and everyone was trying to get their groceries. People were bumping...