As I've mentioned before, the Mild Wife and I tend to cook enough food for a week at a time (we meal prep , basically). Generally, this means that we try to buy food in larger portions at places like Costco, because it's more conducive to this type of meal prep. However, we've found it difficult to buy absolutely everything there, because we don't need ten pounds of onions. So, there are still smaller grocery trips on occasion. This post is all about one such trip. In this particular case, the Mild Wife and I decided at the last minute that we wanted some dessert on a particular evening. I don't quite remember if it was a date night, if we decided to inject a bit of Sensuous Life into our evening, or if it was just a whim. Either way, I volunteered to make the trip to the store to get some ice cream. I figured that the store was only a five minute drive away, so it wouldn't be a big deal. Well, when I got to the actual aisle, I saw ... very little. The free...