When I was younger, my mom would send my siblings and I to a different room if we were bawling or throwing a tantrum. Her reasoning was simple: she didn't want to deal with it. So she came up with a very simple solution; the tantrum thrower in question would go to the other room, and let the tantrum run its course. She would go about her usual day, and at some point, the kid and the adult would meet back up again to carry on with their day, minus the shenanigans. Now, you might think that a kid throwing a tantrum would be a poor choice for someone to leave unsupervised. Heck, I know a similar thought has crossed my mind before. However, my mom somehow made it work. She managed to convince all three of her children that a trip to the crying room was not an invitation to cause mischief, despite the fact that we were in a foul mood and we technically had no direct adult supervision in that moment. I'm not even sure that she had to put the fear of...