I wrote recently that my email is actually a pretty rich source of material for blog posts. However, my weeknight outings are also just as likely to cause some hearty laughter. Heck, I've got a tag for outings precisely for that reason.
If you don't believe me, I invite you to read about the time that dinner led to a bet about whether or not someone could finish their meal. These outings also resulted in the decision to ban someone from picking the restaurant because we narrowly avoided food poisoning, my cell phone pretending to get booty calls in the middle of dinner, and people giving me grief over a gift card. Don't get me wrong, I've been laughing right alongside with all these folks, but I've come to realize that an inordinate number of amusing stories come from these types of outings.
And as it turns out, an inordinate number of those outings happen to come up on a Thursday. It's like Thursday is my lucky day or something.
I actually didn't really notice much of a pattern until a few years back. I was talking to a friend, and I told her that I was having dinner with some folks on a Thursday night. She laughed and threw out the following gem, "I guess it's Thursday again, huh?" I was pretty confused by what she said, so I asked her to clarify. She pointed out that the last few times I'd headed out had been on Thursday nights. Of course, this further reflection led her to accuse me of being a party animal (all lies, clearly), so she laughed at me even more.
This exchange, however, planted the seed in my mind. And as I've pointed out before, my memory likes to play games with me, so I remember conversations like this.
I was reminded of this recently, when trying to plan out hanging out with various friends. I was explaining to someone that I usually can't stay out too late on most weeknights, what with me having to get up early on most days. Of course, I then went out on Thursday that week. Furthermore, I also made plans to hang out with different friends two weeks after that. On a Thursday. Given the combination of all these factors, my memory kicked in and I flashed back to the earlier Thursday party animal conversation.
Now, in my defense, part of this is because I only have to work every other Friday. That means that some Thursdays are actually the end of my week, so I have free rein to socialize on that night. I also work far enough away from where I live that I don't realistically see some people unless I'm coming from work. If I want to socialize with those people, then it makes a lot of sense to do it on a Thursday night. All in all, there are actually good reasons for this. I'd never really thought about it before this week, but it makes some sense.
None of that is stopping that "party animal on Thursday nights" conversation from popping into my head, though. Dammit.
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