So, a while back, a bunch of folks in my extended family decided they wanted to play fantasy football . If you've never heard of this game, you pretend like you're managing a fake (that's where the "fantasy" part comes in) team of players. You score points based on how well they play, and the point is to score more points than your opponents. It's simple in concept, and it's ridiculously popular. I like watching football , so I joined up. I figured it was all in fun, and it gave us the chance to do some friendly trash talking in the process. Remember, this is the same crew that made up its own vocabulary for a phone game and turned competitive walking into laugh-out-loud jokes . I knew for darn certain that this was going to lead to jokes and hilarity. Sign me up. First things first, we needed to draft our players. Just like in the real NFL, each team in a fantasy league takes a turn to pick the player it wants. It can take a while, since folks can ta...