So, I mentioned last time that I've been put to work as the second in command in the kitchen with the Mild Girlfriend . This has already resulted in a few laughs, and at least a couple of funny social media exchanges with friends of ours. Like I said, it's been fun. Little did I realize, though, there was one other surprise waiting for me. You know how some people can pick out all the ingredients in their food and then try to recreate the dish? Well, I can't do that. I've got too bad a sense of smell for it, for one. Secondly, and perhaps more importantly, I've never really had the motivation or the appropriate skills for the task. Other than obvious ingredients like onions or cheese, I don't really play with the underlying items enough to know how they smell or taste by themselves. When you mix them together, it gets even more jumbled up. All I know is that it's "food" and it tastes good. So, I've always been a little amazed when other f...