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Showing posts from March, 2016

Vegetable Forward

If you ever happen to go wine tasting, you're bound to hear some interesting descriptions of the beverage that you are consuming. I'm starting to pick out a few ingredients in my food , but there's no way I can match all of the adjectives and descriptions that someone describing wine can. I'm not sure I even know what some of those fruits look like, much less what they taste like. Still, one of the more interesting things I've heard is " fruit forward ." Basically, you can really taste the fruit. That doesn't necessarily mean that the wine is sweet, but it does mean that you should be able to taste whatever fruit they put in the wine. It sort of makes sense when you stop to think about it, but it's not a term I hear all that often in daily life. However, the Mild Girlfriend and I just so happened to hear it a while back at a wine tasting thing. It just sort of stuck out in our minds. Now, fast forward a few weeks, and we'd gone out to ea...


Several years ago, I started working out with some friends at work. Specifically, we started doing CrossFit work outs at work . A buddy of mine opened up a gym, and he wanted some company as he tried out this whole newfangled CrossFit thing. It was a lot of fun, so we decided to keep doing it. Ultimately, that led to a different blog where we kept track of the work outs . Funnily enough, that blog itself has led to some hilarity . Now, I didn't start that blog, but it more or less fell into my lap to keep it updated. I used to actually send out emails to people at work, since some people missed the work out. However, at one point, someone decided that they wanted to be able to search through them. Email isn't the best format to search, sort, and filter, so it magically turned into a blog. Either way, though, I happen to be the main contributor to that CrossFit blog. And since I've been writing those blog posts, I have a routine down. I usually reserve Sunday morning...

Bloodwork 2

It just so happens that I had to have blood drawn twice in a short period of time. The first time, I was donating blood with a very interesting technician . The second time, I had to go in for my usual yearly check up. I'm sure other folks have done the same thing before: you check your cholesterol, blood sugar, and various other numbers related to your relative health. Basically, they want to actually measure how healthy you are. In order to do so, though, they have to draw blood. This wasn't my first time having to do this, so I knew the routine. I showed up early in the morning, got my number, and waited for my turn (it's not a particularly hard routine). All in all, that whole portion of the interaction was relatively smooth. I always end up wishing that they would call my number faster, but it's not like I had an unreasonable wait. Like I said, it was a pretty reasonable, mundane wait. The actual blood draw portion, however, was slightly less mundane. The nurse...


Every now and then, I need to have someone stab me in the elbow to draw blood . Usually, it's part of my yearly check ups and physical, but sometimes, I donate blood. Either way, someone with a medical degree gets to stab me. I've had to do it enough times where I'm used to it, but, somehow, it still leads to a few chuckles. Take the last time that I donated blood. I made an appointment to get blood drawn, but I didn't realize that I was the last appointment for the day. Maybe it was because people wanted to be done for the day, or maybe they were trainees. Either way, I had a rather interesting experience. The technician/nurse/medically-trained person that did all of it had to ask a bunch of questions. It makes sense: you don't want to draw blood from someone with a high risk of disease or who might somehow taint the blood supply. That includes a bunch of questions about where I was born and my genetic lineage . That just blew the man away. He kept saying somethi...