Ever since our discovery that I will pick a grapefruit clean , the Mild Girlfriend and I have had a running joke about grapefruits. And should we ever eat any, it immediately becomes a source of laughter. But more importantly, she has insisted that she needs to work on her game so that we both eat a comparable amount of grapefruit. It's all quite amusing. Now, she's mentioned that part of her concern is that she doesn't want to get her hands dirty. That's ultimately been my advantage: I've been willing to roll up my sleeves and get in there to get at the grapefruit flesh. Given that we've sometimes worked with plastic spoons, this meant holding the spoon right near the oval part, rather than near the handle (it looks a little bit like a little kid trying to learn to use a spoon for the first time). Those spoons are pretty flimsy, and they can't exactly withstand a lot of pressure. So, I minimize the pressure on the thin plastic handle by grabbing the spo...