I have an interesting relationship with shopping. To begin with, I tend to do a fair bit of it online, since I find it's easier to find what I need that way. It's also rare that I need a particular item in that exact moment, so I can usually wait a few days for my package to arrive (though there are definitely exceptions to this rule ). I tend to shop from home, basically. Now, that's not to say that I don't ever frequent brick and mortar retail stores. In fact, I've written about an adventure or two that I've had when stepping foot inside of these stores. One of the more interesting ones was a recent one, when the Mild Fiancée (then the Mild Girlfriend) and I swore up and down that the cologne I liked had somehow changed its smell . It all got settled in the end, but it was a pretty amusing way to get to that point. Lately, though, I've noticed that there's another, implied type of shopping that we end up doing. I call it shopping at home, because i...