A couple of years ago, the Mild Wife and I thoroughly enjoyed a trip to Buenos Aires . We have a lot of happy memories about that trip, but one of the more surprising ones was that we had a legitimately good time chowing down on vegetables at some Asian restaurants. I still somewhat suspect that this may have been a result of the local restaurants near our hotel, but in either case, we genuinely enjoyed those vegetable-heavy meals. One other interesting side effect of this trip was that we also grew to appreciate club soda . I don't quite remember at what point we realized it, but we realized at some point that if we consumed a glass of club soda around meal times, it seemed to help with digestion. I'm sure I can come up with some quasi-logical reason for this, but honestly, I don't know why this is true (it does, however, seem to be true according to WebMd ). All I know is that we felt better if we had more club soda, so we started mixing that in with our meals. Now, it...