A long time ago, the Mild Wife shared a story about one of her friends' kids. This particular friend has a young daughter who happens to like Hello Kitty quite a bit. This in it of itself is not that surprising - that's a huge industry worldwide, so there are lots and lots of kids who like Hello Kitty. However, what made this story funny was that they found Hello Kitty where they least expected it: the supermarket.
You see, Hello Kitty has branched out beyond the usual toys and plushies. It is now possible to buy Hello Kitty wine and Hello Kitty pasta. This notion had never occurred to me before, but as the Mild Wife's friend discovered, it is most definitely a real thing. When her daughter discovered this at the grocery store, she insisted that they buy some. The mom gave in and purchased the pasta, so there was a good laugh to be had.
The story doesn't end there, though. No, this particular kid was so enamored with the pasta of one of her favorite characters that she wanted to sleep with the pasta next to her. Yes, you read that correctly. It's not particularly hard to guess what the kid was thinking, but it's still hilarious. I mean, she wanted a pack of pasta in her bed/crib. That's some devotion to Hello Kitty right there.
What made this extra funny to the Mild Wife was that she also loved Hello Kitty when she was a kid. She didn't just sympathize with the little girl, she empathized with her. The Mild Wife knew exactly how the kid felt, in part because the Mild Wife herself had probably had similar notions about some other Hello Kitty-branded product when she was a kid.
Now, that's amusing and all, but that's all the setup to the punchline. The Mild Wife and I recently had time to kill, so we wandered through a mall for a few minutes and came upon this:
Notice the bottom shelf and the third pack of noodles from the left |
Yup, we came upon Hello Kitty-branded food items ourselves. The Mild Wife, out of sheer nostalgia and amusement, browsed through the selection for a few minutes. She didn't fawn over them or anything, but she definitely let her inner six-year old out for a bit. It was quite amusing to watch a grown woman examine both the Hello Kitty pasta and the Keroppi pasta to try to see if there was a difference in flavors or nutritional value. There were also a few muffled giggles as we spotted the various items on each of the shelves.
Like I said in the title, some things never change.
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