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Neighborhood Watch

We moved into our current place less than a year ago, so I don't know all of my neighbors.  It probably doesn't help that my long commute keeps me away from home for a while, but it is what it is.  Sure, I've seen a few of them every now and then, but we're hardly friends.  They're definitely in the "greet them with a head nod but no words" zone.

So, I was most definitely surprised when the next door neighbor rang the doorbell.  My mom said something about the neighbor wanting to talk, and I raised an eyebrow.  Then my mom figured that I should tag along in case she needed a second set of eyes and ears.  I'd also like to think she needed someone intimidating in case things went sour with the next door neighbor (that'd be me).  Luckily, the lady was nice, so I didn't have to bust any heads.

However, she started telling us about these suspicious dirt piles on/in our small little grass/garden patch in front of our house.  Apparently, there is some *other* neighbor that has this nasty habit of leaving dirt piles in other people's yards.  I'm not entirely sure why this is supposed to happen, but there was some mention of a cat.

She mentioned that she usually inspects both her yard and other people's yards, to keep an eye out.  What's more, she could tell that this dirt wasn't local to either of our yards, because it was a different color.  Even more impressive, she could tell that the criminals in question have recently switched tactics, and they will cover their deed with some dirt that *is* the same color.  To the untrained eye, it looks like someone shuffled some dirt around.  But this lady is on to the scam, so she sees the clues that give away the deception.  Apparently, we live next door to Nancy Drew.

Anyhow, she wanted to point out what was happening with our front yard.  She just wanted to do us the courtesy of alerting us to what's going on.  She also said she was going to file a police report, so she didn't want us to be surprised if cops showed up.

I was a little surprised by the whole thing, but I thanked her and let her go about her business.  That said, if I need to start a neighborhood watch anytime soon, she's my first recruit.  Ain't no foreign dirt invading our neighborhood.


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