Since I was on a bus tour for this particular trip, I didn't really bother to pack much other than some jeans and t-shirts. Sure, I had a little bit of outerwear in case the weather got cold, but I wasn't super concerned about that turn of events. In fact, I wasn't even horribly concerned about rain because I figured that we'd be on a bus for good chunks of the trip. There were some advantages to traveling on one of those pre-packaged group tours, after all.
Anyhow, since I was on this trip for a little over a week, this meant that I needed more than a week's worth of t-shirts. I did own that many t-shirts, but it's not like I the number I owned was orders of magnitude higher than that. This meant that I was bound to pack at least one shirt that I owned because I found it amusing (read: there was something smart aleck-y about it). As it turns out, I packed a few of them. For example, the current and former school teachers in our travel group chuckled heartily when they saw my "Prefectionist" t-shirt (hint: double check the spelling).
Anyhow, I also happened to bring along my "I Never Finish Anyth" t-shirt. I got the thing a while ago, but it's always been a favorite of mine. I wore it on a road trip at least once before, and people usually chuckled when they saw it. Mind you, drawing attention wasn't the purpose of wearing said shirt, but I wasn't oblivious to the fact that other people might have a similar sense of humor. So, when I pulled it out of my bag one morning, I chuckled and put it on without a second thought.
As the day progressed, however, several people noticed the shirt and laughed. The first person was one of the ladies in our tour group, who insisted I brush my jacket back so she could see the rest of the writing. Upon realizing that there was no "rest of the writing," she got the joke and laughed. One of the waitresses where we had lunch also noticed the shirt, and she had a good hearty laugh. I also joked that my bosses were big fans of this shirt, and that drew even more laughter (side note: people in any kind of service industry tend to appreciate the humor more so than most). Later that afternoon, one other lady saw it and had a chuckle. I was apparently making the world a funnier place.
Now, this was all spread out over the entire day, so I really didn't think much of it. I mean, in my mind, I had just bumped in to a few people with a sense of humor over the course of the day. However, those of you with sharp eyes will notice that the previous paragraph made no mention of guys. I didn't really notice it, but apparently the only people who came up to me about the shirt were female. This fact was not lost on my travel buddy. In fact, by the time the last person walked away, he looked at me and said, "did you wear that shirt to get girls' attention or something?"
Now, this was the same guy who made the dessert observation, so I took those comments with a grain of salt. Clearly, there was more than just a hint of teasing in that statement. Still, he did correctly point out that no guys had said anything about it. Who knows, maybe the guys had just chuckled about it from afar without saying anything to me. Or maybe the guys with senses of humor were elsewhere on that day. Whatever the reason was, no dude commented about my shirt that day.
Still, the comment made me chuckle. Apparently, I should no longer try to impress girls by growing out my hair, but I should switch to funny t-shirts.
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