It's time for another round of interesting things that people have said about me (there have been three previous rounds, the latest of which was here). These are things that people have actually said to me, as close to verbatim as possible, and it's not like I am taking the words out of context. No, I just hear some very interesting commentary thrown my way.
- "You could probably fill an A cup"
A long time ago, I used to go to the gym with my college roommates. They were really big on the bench press, so I soon got much better at that. Apparently, this made my pecs grow enough so that other people noticed. Most people didn't say much, but one female friend did. She compared it to the closest thing she knew: bra sizes.
Now, I like to joke that I'm not sure whether to be happy or sad about a lot of things. This one, however, was legitimately baffling. I really wasn't sure how to take that. She meant it as a good thing, though, so it ends up on the list. - "You're the cutest Anne of Green Gables I've ever seen"
I don't want to talk about it. There was a wig, and lots of peer pressure. Let's move on. - "Kinda quiet, he's a good travel companion"
"Would make a good wife, too"
In this case, "he" refers to me. I was on a trip with a buddy, and a couple of folks were commenting that I didn't say much for a while. I don't really remember what brought this about, but the response was classic. You know how it's possible to suddenly laugh, almost to the point of making a snorting sound? Yeah, I did that when I heard this lady say that. - "I have no hope for my brother. At least I still have hope for you."
This one comes from one of my extended family, who apparently wants nephews or nieces. On the bright side, I am not an evolutionary lost cause; there is apparently hope for my genes to reproduce. On the other hand, the picture seems grim according to this person. Regardless, I am now on the hook for having kids. I sure hope I get to at least meet the woman first. - "Sam ... making math sexy for the masses"
This one is a little bittersweet because it came from one of the Mild Exes. Still, it's too funny not to make its way on to the list. This is apparently what happens when I help out a little bit and understand what's going with more than just basic arithmetic. Also, I don't think "math" and "sexy" have ever been positively correlated in a sentence like that before. At least not while people were in their right minds.
Then again, maybe I need to start leaving integrals and differential equations out where women might notice them. Heck, it kinda sorta worked once before.
So, yeah, I've had people say some very interesting things to me, all while meaning well. I don't quite understand where all of this came from, but I'll take it. I usually end up laughing quite a bit, and more importantly, better a quirky compliment than a boring insult.
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