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Nicknames Again

In a post from a while back, I mentioned that people around me end up with nicknames fairly frequently. It's not always my doing, but I am more than happy to play along. Of course, the best part isn't the actual nickname, it's always the back story that leads to the nickname. And since it's been a while since that previous post, I've picked up a few more stories about nicknames that are worth a chuckle.

So, without further ado, I present to you:
  • "ADT"
    You know how people pay for security systems for their houses? One of the most well-known companies is called ADT. My brother likes to say that he has no need for said security systems because one of his neighbors is constantly on the lookout for what's going on in the neighborhood. She's like a one-person neighborhood watch, complete with a side of the neighborhood gossip. He has actually come home and had her tell him about the comings and goings of his wife. My brother's smart aleck streak kicked in, and he once remarked that this neighbor WAS his home security system, and a new nickname was born.
  • "The Mayor of [Street Name]"
    This is actually the second nickname that the lady above has. She's very friendly, so she knows everyone on her block. Combining this with her powers of observation, and she is on a first-name basis with everyone and can tell you exactly what's going on with the neighborhood on any given day. As a result, her neighbors have dubbed her the mayor of their street. Everyone has a good hearty laugh when they hear about this.
  • "Trophy"
    I've got a friend who works with a guy who has a crush on her. She's not entirely sure of all the details, but one of his conversations with a third coworker involved the phrase "trophy wife." I'm fairly certain my friend wasn't meant to catch wind of this conversation, but she did. However, once she did, it was the easiest way to describe the guy in stories: "the trophy wife guy." Eventually, that got shortened, and I now know him as "trophy."
  • "Enfadosa"
    First off, a Spanish lesson: "enfadar" means "to annoy" and "enfadosa" means "woman who is annoying." Okay, with that out of the way, there was a family acquaintance that stopped by the house. I have no idea why, but she felt that it was okay to poke her head in to every room, including the bedrooms, without being invited in to said rooms. It was more than a tad odd, and it annoyed several of the older folks in the house. Of course, not wanting to be rude in return, many of the complaints about this behavior were in a language that the acquaintance didn't understand: Spanish (side note: she was politely shooed out of said rooms). I'm pretty sure you can guess how the nickname came to be, and this person has more than earned it on subsequent occasions. At this point, though, it's more funny than anything else, because we all know that's how she is. So, now, someone will casually drop in mention of "the annoying one" in conversation. Good times.
  • "Gentleman Rogue" and "Sweet Thug"
    These are actually nicknames for yours truly. Apparently, this is what happens when you tell people that you are an unabashed smart aleck and you've been accused of stealing your own car, but you also believe in opening doors and car doors for others. It cracks me up every time I think about it, especially since there is a bit of truth to the assessment. It probably helps that the person who came up with the first one once described the nickname as "the most punk rock thing I've ever called someone." Like I said, the nicknames make me laugh.
All in all, this whole nickname thing is working out pretty well. Many of these entries make me chuckle every single time I hear them, and in the worst case, the back stories are amusing as heck. If nothing else, it's a vote against the hermit life, since I'd be deprived of the ensuing nickname hilarity.


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