Whenever I travel, I like to make at least something of an attempt to learn the language. That's how I ended up learning the Greek alphabet oh so many years ago, even though I couldn't really speak the language. I actually got decent enough at it that I could read street signs and menus, though that didn't necessarily know that I knew what I was reading. This latest trip to Japan was no different, so I asked the Mild Ex to lend me her Japanese text books (she'd studied some in college). She also helped teach me a few words ( sumimasen is incredibly useful), though what she taught me really didn't sink in until I was in the country and people were saying these things to me. And Japanese is a language that has three distinct sets of characters, so I knew I wasn't going to learn it all in the time before my trip. I did, however, learn enough hiragana to be able to read some signs, and I knew enough to ask things like, "excuse me, where is the train (stati...