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Showing posts from May, 2018

Going in Circles

So, there is a common idiom in English about going around in circles . It means roughly that you're not really accomplishing anything because you end up at the same spot you started (that's what happens when you traverse a circle). It's a simple enough notion, and the saying rarely needs explaining. It just sort of makes sense. Well, let me tell you, I have reason to disagree. In my case, I don't mean the sort of hypothetical running around in circles, I mean the literal kind. I have literally gone around in circles and found value in the exercise. It's also worth noting that the act wasn't a way of getting exercise, either. No one would dispute that running laps around a track has its own value (even if you're the type who finds that kind of exercise boring, you can understand the logic behind it). However, in my case, it wasn't a way to get exercise. I have different, more amusing, reasons. In the first case, I was sitting around at home, and I s...

A New Strain

I like pizza. It is one of the items that I can happily eat over and over again, with nary a complaint (burritos are the other item in this category). On some level, it's a simple recipe: bread, sauce, cheese, and toppings. The toppings, it should be noted, don't have to be anything fancy. Sure, some restaurants try to differentiate themselves by using nicer ovens or high-end ingredients. But at its core, you really just need some dough and a few toppings. It's fun in its simplicity. Personally, the reason I like it so much is that it's a hearty food. Let's not forget that the base of this whole thing is basically a really flat bread. That's the sort of food that's meant to provide sustenance. Put another way, I've never seen someone go on a diet and insist that they should eat pizza to get their nutrition for the day (I have seen a salad-heavy rich people diet , though). You just wouldn't describe pizza as a dainty item. Fortunately for me, the ...

Hypothetically Speaking

A few weeks back, the Mild Wife and I decided to check out the Bay Area Book Festival . It was close enough to us that we figured it'd be fun to check out, and we both do some writing. In my case it's much more of a hobby (you are reading my personal, just-for-funsies blog, after all), but I do like to write nevertheless. Hell, I even write a small piece of fiction every now and then . Basically, we were excited enough about the concept of a bunch of workshops dedicated to books and to writing that we decided to partake in the festival. Now, the festival lasted the whole weekend, so there were quite a few moments that the Mild Wife and I enjoyed from the whole process. Better yet, the Mild Wife and I didn't go to the same sessions all weekend long, so we often had fun comparing notes and reporting amusing anecdotes from our respective experiences. There was one guy who spoke to the Japanese author in Japanese and knew just a tad too much about Japanese literature for it t...


When the Mild Wife and I moved in to our apartment, we had to do a bunch of shopping in order to furnish the house. We each had items we could contribute to our new home, but even so, there were quite a few that we had to purchase. These days, I look back on some of it quite fondly. Sure, it would've been better had we not made three trips to the nearby store in the same day, but it's become part of our story. There's usually a laugh or two to be had for most of the items in our household. However, the one set of items that has decidedly not made us laugh lately is a set of coasters. Yes, coasters. You would think that it'd be hard to get mad at coasters, but hear me out. Let me finish my tale of woe, and then you can judge for yourself. In hindsight, I shouldn't be surprised. You see, it took forever for us to find a suitable set of coasters. We figured that it would be a relatively quick errand to choose and acquire coasters, but, astoundingly, this was n...