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One of the classic conversations amongst a group of people who spend a lot of time with each other is where to go grab food. It happens with significant others, it happens with classmates, it happens with coworkers. In fact, it happens so often that enterprising folks have made websites, apps, and features that all solve this problem by randomly selecting a cuisine or restaurant for you (seriously, just Google something like "lunch decider").

In my case, this conversation started up among a couple of coworkers who happen to sit near me. They were talking about where to eat lunch, and a third coworker hopped into the conversation. Eventually, I was sucked into the conversation, and a tangent about nearby lunch places ensued.

That's when the magic happened.

One of the guys I work with couldn't remember the name of one place that he was referencing, so he grasped strands of his memory to come up with the name. I can't promise that I'll reproduce it perfectly, but I have put it below so that you can enjoy the glory of it.

Coworker: "It had a really goofy name, too."
Me: "How so?"
Coworker: "It was like Sparkles Puppies & Rainbows or something"

I burst into laughter. Just to be clear, that's not hyperbole. I literally burst out laughing when he said that. I mean, c'mon. He said the restaurant was called, "Sparkles Puppies & Rainbows." Is there any other valid response?

Of course, it then started to bug him, so he started looking up nearby places on his phone. Eventually, he realized the place whose name he was trying to recall. Again, I will reproduce the conversation.

Coworker: "I found it! It was the Papaya Grill!"
Me: "Papa-?"
Coworker: "Yeah, I have no idea why I thought it was called Sparkles."

That drew more laughter from me. Maybe it wasn't quite as boisterous as the first time around, but the whole situation was pretty darn funny. In fact, I refuse to call that restaurant by its real name. As far as I'm concerned, that's Sparkles.

Me being me, I sent a few text messages to the Mild Wife to tell her about the exchange. She had a good laugh about the whole thing, too, but she got curious about the restaurant in question. As it turns out, it's a Filipino restaurant. So, she suggested we should try it at some point.

I don't know when, but we're going to Sparkles.


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