At work, we have these organizer things for our mail ( they look sort of like this one ). If you're not inclined to click on the link, it's basically a set of slots that can be labeled with a person's name. Each one is assigned to a person, so everyone know where their mail arrives. It makes sense; there's a bunch of us, so you need a way to sort all of the potential mail we get. I don't actually get very much mail at work, but the number is more than zero, so it needs a way to arrive in my hands in a sane way. It's also faster to drop it all off there, rather than personally visiting each and every person to hand-deliver mail. All in all, the system makes sense to me. However, the one thing I hadn't accounted for is that some of these things are rather tall. What's more, they will also put them on a table or piece of furniture, so that no one has to squat down to reach their mail slot. This is nice and all, but after some recent shifts in where peop...