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One Song: Aftermath

Back when the Mild Wife and I were planning the Mild Wedding, we agreed upon the "One Song Plan." I honestly don't' remember the exact cause, but at some point, we agreed that I would be allowed to request one song at the wedding over which the then-Mild Fiancée had no say. Just talking about it all led to a bunch of laughter.

Interestingly enough, that's all it turned out to be: all talk. We both joked about it quite a bit in the lead up to the Mild Wedding, but, somehow, it got lost in the shuffle. In fact, I didn't even realize that I hadn't used my Golden Pick until months later. It wasn't like there was a sudden reminder, either; the thought just sort of floated through my head at one point. It was a funny joke, but the other details and logistics of the Mild Wedding just managed to take precedence.

Fortunately for me, all is not lost. Every now and then, YouTube will still remind me of one of the songs that I had strongly considered for my pick: Roberto Carlos' "Simbolo Sexual." The song itself is a bit of sugary pop in Spanish, but with an old-timey charm. Also, it's all about how the object of his affection is the woman of his dreams, enough that he describes her as his personal sex symbol (relax, the link is just a definition of the term on Wikipedia). You can imagine why I thought this was both apropos and hilarious for the Mild Wedding.

The funniest bit, though, is also why I would have had to use my pick on this song: the Mild Wife née Fiancée rightfully noted that the chorus basically says, "sex- sex- sex- sex-ual." Twice. Even more troubling, we invited little kids to the Mild Wedding, so it would not have been out of the question to have some little kid bobbing along or singing along to that part. You know how some little kids like to pump their arms in the air with fingers pointed when they get into something?
Sort of like this (Courtesy of WhatCulture)
Picture that, only with the song playing in the background. Let me tell you, it involves a lot of giggling.

So, all in all, it worked out well. The Mild Wedding turned out well, we have a funny story, and I get relive the jokes every time that song comes up on YouTube. Good times, I tell you.


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