I've written before how some of my nerdy tendencies lead to some hilarity with the Mild Wife. Sometimes, she pushes me further down the rabbit hole by getting me a 20-sided die , but sometimes, she dips a toe into the waters by getting really into the Lord of the Rings movies . This blog post is an example of the latter. Now, it's worth mentioning that the Mild Wife's short-hand term for all of this is "Star Trek." She basically equates that show with all things nerd. Say you are interested in science fiction; that's "Star Trek." Like movies with an element of fantasy to them? Star Trek. Are you a software developer? Star Trek. It's basically become one of those running jokes that means something as soon as it it uttered, usually with quite a bit of laughter in tow. Well, I was sitting at work, minding my own business, when I got a text message from the Mild Wife: I laughed as soon as I got this, in part because I have been the person on...