Today's post is going to be short and sweet. It took place over the span of about two seconds, but it was too perfect a quip not to write about it.
So, let's start with the setup: I was on a call with a bunch of other people from an organization. That's a pretty common thing these days, since the pandemic has forced remote work for a lot of people. However, this was the first time that many of us had met, virtually or otherwise. So, we were doing a round of introductions.
When it came to this one lady, she gave her name, and said that her goal was to "stay employed so I can continue to do this." We could all tell by the tone of her voice that she was joking, and many of us erupted in laughter. Like I said, it was a good one-liner.
However, the next bit was the part that prompted me to write this post. I asked her if it was possible to win a meeting, because, if so, she had just won. That drew even more laughter, and I suddenly imagined a scoreboard or people practicing their commentary so that they could win more meetings.
So, that's it. Come to meetings with your A game, folks. You never know when you might win.
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