It's been forever since we've seen some of our family, because of all of this pandemic business. It sucks, but it's how this year has gone. As much as I'd love to see some of them, we're trying to play it safe and do our part to keep the virus under control. Still, we're thinking of them, so we try to do little things here and there to show them that we love them.
In this particular case, we sent some chocolates to our family that lives out of state. It's the holiday season, and we figured some nice treats might be fun for everyone. And since two of those folks are munchkins, we figured that they would especially enjoy the chocolate.
Now, we don't have any control over when the shipment arrives. We did pay for shipping to arrive by a certain day, but whether it shows up in the morning, afternoon, or night is up to the delivery company. As it turns out, this particular shipment showed up in the evening, almost near bedtime. So, my sister did the responsible thing by only letting her kids have one piece. In fact, she picked out the smallest one so that it didn't spike their blood sugar too much.
However, the smallest piece of chocolate also happened to be the hardest (think something like a crunchy stick), so my niece had a bit of a harder time eating it. She's the youngest of the bunch, and hard foods still occasionally give her trouble. So, while she liked it, she didn't enjoy it as much as she would have otherwise.
The next day, however, the bedtime constraint was no longer in effect, so the kids were allowed to pick out the piece that they wanted to eat. If that was a bigger piece, that was okay. After all, they weren't going to bed in the next couple of hours. So, that meant that my niece and her older brother got a chance to peer into the tin of chocolates and pick out a single piece.
As my sister described it, this was "the hardest choice of [my niece's] life." I can only imagine the emotions: desire, glee, and a dash of hesitation. The whole thing cracked me up, and that alone was worth sending them something. I have a feeling this isn't the last time we're going to send them some goodies.
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