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New York City Trip (Day 3)

By the third day of the trip, I was tired enough from the previous day's adventures/subway rides that I felt like sleeping in. And sleep in I did. I think I woke up at something like 11:30 or noon. Of course, that meant that a later start to the day, which started the vicious cycle all over again. By the time we rolled into Manhattan, it was about two in the afternoon.

I had tentatively set aside Sunday to see something on Broadway, so we headed over to the tkts booth for discount tickets. There were actually various 3PM options, and after mulling our options, we figured it'd be a good idea to catch one of those. We settled on The Toxic Avenger, which was actually an off-Broadway option.

However, we hadn't eaten yet, and the show started about 15 minutes after we got our tickets. Enter the food carts. There happened to be one right outside the theater, and the guy charged a little bit of a premium for the convenience. Still, I was hungry, and I had yet to try a NY hot dog. So, I used my powers of eating-far-faster-than-is-reasonably-good-for-me, and finished the "meal" in time to catch the show.

The show itself was fun but somehow unfulfilling. Really, it was a decent show, but it could've been freaking awesome. It was campy fun, but some of the director's decisions could have used some second guessing. As my friend said, parts of it were a "waste of talent."

Given that, we decided to see what the evening shows were. I think the thinking was roughly along the lines of, "hm, that was okay, but I want to see awesome. Maybe second time's the charm." We settled on Shrek the musical, and didn't regret it. It was a good show, and all of that polish that was absent in the first show came through in this one. They even did that "music video" that rolls during the credits of the movie. It was a good time, I'm telling you.

After that, we needed dinner, so we headed to a place that one of my local friends had suggested, Cafe Habana. She actually decided to come out for a bit and hang out with us, so that added to the merriment. The food was good, and it felt like one of those chill places that serves comfort food. The waitress even commended us for having sangria (it's good for your health, apparently), what wasn't to like?

Bellies full, my friend had to get back home. It was a relatively short walk, but I figured it'd be safer if she didn't do it by herself, so we accompanied back to her place. There was that whole "headed the same way" thing from the night before, so I figured a little payback was in order (though in his defense, he did say he would've tagged along regardless).

A time check revealed it was still somewhere around 11:30PM, but my travel companion still felt like doing something. So, we figured we'd find something to snack on. We actually passed up a Gray's Papaya, because I figured that we'd be bound to find another one later in the trip. Alas, it was not to be (mea culpa). We tried going to a Taiwanese place, but it was closed. Instead, we settled for pizza at one of the nearby spots that was open.

I don't know why, but it tripped me out a little bit that I could get beer with my pizza. I just reached into a cooler & grabbed it. Somehow, it felt wrong. The guy didn't even ask me for ID, which is a bit unusual for me. Either I'm getting old, or the dude just didn't care. Oh, and there was a date in progress in the corner of said pizza place. That also seemed out of place.

Anyhow, with dessert out of the way, we called it a night. Three days down, one and a half to go.


  1. You know, reading through these backwards, it sounds like you're trying to make me out to be the bad guy on this trip.


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