I try to be good about using the English language correctly. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that it's not my first language, so I had to learn some of it by the book. Because I had to put in some effort to learn the spelling & grammar, I notice mistakes a tiny bit more readily. I'm also slightly anal about things, so that's probably the other half of the justification. Regardless of the reason, though, I try to make a concerted effort to avoid mistakes when speaking or writing. Unfortunately, this means I'm fighting a never-ending battle (against myself) to not screw up. And in that process, I've noticed that certain words & phrases seem to come up again and again. They've become nemeses of mine. Every time I spell one of these words incorrectly, even if momentarily, a tiny piece of me groans. If I actually publish something (e.g., send an email, post a blog entry) with that kind of a mistake, that same piece of me dies...