You know how if people tell you something often enough, you start to believe it? This post is all about that. Apparently, I am somebody who is exceptionally daring about trying new experiences. It's not how I usually describe myself, but I've had enough people tell me so that I have no choice but to believe there's some truth there.
Anyhow, various friends have commented on this particular trait of mine over the years. I can think of at least two people who have complimented me for this. The first person said, "that's one of the reasons I like to hang out with you, you're always willing to try stuff." Now, lest you think I'll let that go to my head, remember that I don't usually picture myself that way. I figure it must be true because more than one person has said it, but it's hardly like I'll introduce myself as "Sam, the guy who tries everything."
The second person, however, had a much, much funnier way of expressing this. Rather than telling me I like to try stuff, she used the phrase in the title. Yup, she actually said that I am "game for danger." I cracked up then, and I still chuckle every time I think about it.
If nothing else, this whole try-everything attitude has led to one heck of a nickname.
Now, I'll readily admit that I'm usually flexible about the food I eat. I have no objections to sampling new food items or in imposing dietary restrictions on myself. I've written plenty about it before, but I basically order anything on a menu that I've never eaten before. It's kind of fun, I sometimes end up liking new foods, and this also means that I can usually have some of other people's food. It works out pretty well.
However, this willingness to try has bled over in to plenty of other aspects of my life. I've mostly been a homebody by nature, but I haven't objected to being sent on business trips over the years. As a result, I managed to catch the travel bug somewhere along the way. I think a big part of it was figuring out that I could try new foods, see different parts of the world, and generally experience new things that way. The travel has died down a bit lately, but I've still made it a goal to visit all seven continents and all fifty (American) states.
That's also largely how I ended up bungee diving, skydiving, and taking a Zumba class. In pretty much every case, someone asked me to go, and I figured, "hell, why not?" I agreed to go bungee jumping and skydiving for the sheer novelty, and I was glad that I did. I figured out that I don't really like bungee jumping all that much, but I liked skydiving. See? Now I know for a fact which of the two I like better. The Zumba class was all sorts of interesting, particularly because I was wiped out from a CrossFit workout that I had just completed (I actually lay on the floor for a few minutes as women filtered their way in to the Zumba class). Still, I said I'd give it a shot, so I did. Incidentally, you should see how big people's eyes light up when I tell them I have "a Zumba story."
Anyhow, various friends have commented on this particular trait of mine over the years. I can think of at least two people who have complimented me for this. The first person said, "that's one of the reasons I like to hang out with you, you're always willing to try stuff." Now, lest you think I'll let that go to my head, remember that I don't usually picture myself that way. I figure it must be true because more than one person has said it, but it's hardly like I'll introduce myself as "Sam, the guy who tries everything."
The second person, however, had a much, much funnier way of expressing this. Rather than telling me I like to try stuff, she used the phrase in the title. Yup, she actually said that I am "game for danger." I cracked up then, and I still chuckle every time I think about it.
If nothing else, this whole try-everything attitude has led to one heck of a nickname.
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