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Showing posts from November, 2017

Gourmet Part 2

These days, I tend to bring lunch to work. For one, it saves money. For another, we tend to meal prep our food days in advance , so lunch is usually just another meal in the mix. The last, and certainly most fun reason, is that it seems to make my coworkers think that I'm eating some sort of fancy, highfalutin gourmet meal that's only available to members of a special subsection of Filipino society. For the record, I make no attempt to encourage the thought process that leads to that last reason, but I include it on the list because it's pretty darn funny. Given that back drop, it should come as no surprise that lunch time at work can be an amusing thing. For one, I usually know what's coming several days in advance. Most of the time, I have either helped prepare the ingredients, cook the food, or otherwise pack my lunch. As with most people, I tend to have favorite foods, so this means that I usually know when one of my favorite dishes is in the mix. Just think of...

(Fantasy) Game On 4

It's that time of year again when footballs are flying. Yup, the NFL is back. Actually, it has been for a few months now. So, you might be curious why I bring it up at this particular moment. Well, we've been playing fantasy football again this season, so there's another amusing story. First of all, I should mention that the Mild Wife and I aren't doing as well this year as last year. We're both somewhere near the middle of the pack, but we both had a pretty bad start to the year. I think at one point, I was at the bottom of the standings. What can I say? Some years, you just have some bad luck. Now, it's not like I can personally give these guys pep talks or otherwise control their performance, either. Ultimately, I just have to pick players and hope for the best. Even players who everyone expects to perform admirably sometimes have off years, so there's definitely an element of luck to the whole thing. Still, that hasn't stopped a whole indust...

Holiday Neighbors

One of the joys of married life is figuring out how to celebrate the holidays together. Sure, we've both individually celebrated holidays before, but now we have a family of our own. We get to decide if we go anywhere for Memorial Day, we decide what kind of candy to pass out on Halloween, we figure out what to have for Thanksgiving dinner, and so on. Yes, some of that is a matter of having our own place, but even so, we're starting our own traditions. Take last year, for example. For Halloween, we wanted to make sure that kids knew that we were passing out Halloween candy, so we put up this bad boy on our door: That's like a bright orange bat symbol for trick or treaters It was simple, but it got the job done. We had little kids knock on our door, and I passed out candy. In fact, the Mild Wife says I looked pretty happy doing it (there was a picture of the occasion, but I can't find it for the life of me). I seem to remember being the only ones in our corner of...

Flight Snacks

I've had pretty good luck when it comes to snacks at the airport , largely due to the Mild Wife's planning. In case you were too lazy to click on that last link, the Mild Wife both made and packed us some pizza to munch on during the whole airport process. I was both thoroughly amused and very content about my snacks. Put it this way: my exact description of the pizza was "breakfast of champions" and my exact description of the Mild Wife was "she's kind of awesome like that." This time around, though, I had a much different experience with airline snacks, but one that made me laugh just as much. First, let me set the scene: I was traveling on Halloween, to one of the smaller airports in the U.S. The actual location wasn't really all that important, but the two bits of information I just gave meant that the flight wasn't particularly full. In fact, it seemed like the flight was maybe half full. We were all just glad that we had more leg ro...