I once mentioned, a while back, that I sometimes have difficulty finding items that have been moved slightly, even if they are in a clear, transparent container. The Mild Wife has largely solved this problem by labelling the jars, so as to provide visual hints.
Still, it's not a foolproof method. You can't realistically label the fridge shelves, for example. And no matter how clever the system, there are bound to be brain farts that mess up the system. In essence, a sufficiently talented fool can always defeat a fool-proof system.
That, my friends, is why the Mild Home has recently had an uptick in the phrase, "look with your eyes, not with your mouth." From what I understand, this is a fairly common saying in some Asian households, so the Mild Wife recalls it vividly from her childhood. It was not so common a saying in my own household as I was growing up, so it is still somewhat novel to me. Incidentally, that also makes it a little more amusing to me. The joke hasn't quite worn off yet, y'know?
Still, this came to a head when the Mild Wife was explaining something to my Mild Mother in Law. I don't even remember the conversation, but somehow, the topic of not finding things came up. The Mild Wife chuckled and explained how it is an occasional, but recurring, problem in our household. What's more, I am more likely than she to face this particular dilemma. There was quite a bit of laughter as this was bandied about, and the Mild Wife inevitably threw in the "look with your eyes" saying.
Now, none of this was meant as an insult. Also, I am more likely to have trouble finding things than the Mild Wife, so, at the end of the day, the Mild Wife's commentary was factually correct. Given how much they were both laughing, though, I couldn't help but join in on the merriment. A good laugh was had by all, and that saying has almost certainly been cemented in the lexicon of the Mild Home at this point.
Look with your eyes, indeed.
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