Lewis Black has this really funny bit about how he knows what causes aneurysms ( starting around 1:35 ). Now, for this to make sense (or be funny), you have to realize that modern medicine doesn't claim to know what causes an aneurysm. However, this guy swears he knows what causes them: those facepalm-worthy things you hear in passing. The words rattle around in your head, causing you all sorts of consternation, until suddenly, you have a sudden bursting of your blood vessels. Remember that as you read the rest of this. Now, I am a very curious person. If I'm waiting in line to board a plane, I'm going to look at the controls to the little extending deck. If there are construction workers standing around discussing something, I try to guess what they're working on, and what their plan of attack will be. If someone says they know how to do something I don't, I start asking questions. You get the idea. Sure, this sort of thing can happen just about any time, any...